Categories for Miss Southern Elegance are
Male Interview, Evening Gown, On Stage Interview and Talent.
The solo talent description is provided for informational purposes only.
Scoring System
Male Interview~~~0-150 points
Evening Gown~~~0-150 points
Solo Talent~~~0-100 points
Talent~~~0-300 points
On~Stage Interview~~~0-50 points
All scores will be multiplied by the number of judges on the panel. The Pageant
committee will be responsible for deducting administrative points.
Opening Presentation
No possible points per judge
Opening presentation gives the judges their first view of the contestant.
Your presentation, whatever it may be, should meet all the criteria of all other
categories in that it should be wrinkle free, stain free, no visible tears or
strings. Remember, this is the first time that the judges will see you on the
competition night. You should make an impression that will stay with them for
the remainder of the competition.
For Miss Southern Elegance 2007, the theme is A
Night At Studio 54, and contestants should wear a disco inspired dress in shades
of purples and pinks. No pants, hot pants, evening gowns, jump suits or body
suits (leotards), etc, and I thank you.
300 points possible per judge
Showmanship and set design~~~0-60
Physical coordination and stage presence(including dancers)~~~0-80
Quality (lip-sync, live vocal, and or other entertainment)~~~0-80
Value of presentation as entertainment~~~0-80
Talent is the highest point category in the Miss Southern Elegance Pageant.
Contestants will be judged on their lip~sync, live vocal, or other
entertainment. Judges will be looking to see if the contestant knows the words
to their song and finishes each word. Just knowing the words is not enough. The
contestant should look as if he is actually singing the song. Is it believable?
If it is a live performance, is the talent of good quality? If there is
choreography, the dancers should know the steps and the steps should flow. Do
not attempt to do something that is beyond your talent. If you use dancers or
actors in your presentation, do not let them upstage or out dance you. You are
responsible for their performance. If a member of your troupe does not know
his/her part, points will be deducted from your score. Quality of set design and
construction will be judged, not QUANTITY. Do not put something on the stage
that you are not going to use or does not have relation to something you are
going to present. Contestants are responsible for their sets. If it falls apart
or falls down on stage, points will be deducted from your score. Costuming and
set design should go along with the mood you are trying to establish. Always
examine your presentation for entertainment value. Does it please, cause
laughter, sadness, or stir some emotion.
Male Interview
150 points possible per judge
General appearance~~~0-20
Ability to communicate~~~0-50
Answer content~~~0-50
The purpose of male interview is to put the contestant in a situation
answering different types of questions and judging how he reacts to their
diversity. The context of the answer is important, but more important is how the
contestant comes across with honesty, and his manner of speaking. Eye contact
with all the judges is very important. When responding with an answer, don't
make eye contact only with the judge who asked the question, but with all the
judges. Answer the judges' questions and do not get so involved in getting the
opinions of the judges. You are being judged on your thoughts and how you
present them. The contestant should look comfortable in properly fitted attire,
but not to the point of sloppiness. Points will be deducted for ill-fitting
jackets, pants too long or too short, socks that do not match the colors in the
outfit, scuffed shoes, wrinkled, torn or soiled clothing, too much jewelry,
buttons missing, and anything that distracts from the outfit to make it
unsightly. The contestant is judged on the look he has chosen for himself.
Usually, trendy outfits do not appeal to the judges, as they would not appeal to
the average interviewer. The key word is average in appearance. The contestant
will be trying to impress and appeal to different types of judges, and the
flamboyant look may not appeal to every type of judge. Remember, you are
interviewing for a "job".
Evening Gown
150 possible points per judge
Suitability for evening gown~~~0-30
Suitability of hairstyle~~~0-20
Presentation, modeling technique, poise, smile, etc.~~~0-40
General appearance~~~0-60
Evening gown will be the most elegant outfit you will wear during the
pageant. It should compliment your figure and be a statement of your style and
taste. The dress and accessories should be in perfect condition. No strings
should be anywhere on the dress (this includes sleeves, neckline, hem, along the
zipper, or at any seam).There shouldn't be any tears in any part of the fabric.
The dress should be stain free and wrinkle free. It is the contestant's
responsibility to take care of the gown and keep the gown in perfect condition
for the duration of the pageant. The hem of the gown should be even, unless the
style of the gown is an uneven bottom. The gown should be lined or have a slip
underneath. The judges should not be able to see through any part of the gown
unless that is the style of the gown. The gown length should be either to the
top of the toe part of the shoe or approximately 1/2~1 inch above the floor.
There should be no break in the gown (it should hang straight). The sleeve
should be no shorter than the wrist, and no longer than an inch below the wrist
unless the design of the gown sleeve is longer. A v-neck is fine, but if it is
cut to low, it looks manly. Jewelry should accessorize and not be over powering.
A beaded gown doesn't need anything more than earrings to complete a look. Shoes
should match the outfit and complement it. Shoes should not be scuffed, worn at
the toe or heels, and not seen to bend under the weight of the contestant.
Modeling should be a slow easy pace, touching the three points that form a
triangle. (If a judge wants a closer look, he/she may motion the contestant to
the judges' table). At each point of the triangle, the contestant will make a
slow turn, facing the back of the stage, pause, and turn to the front of the
stage. If you feel it necessary to use your hands, one hand on the hip while
turning is acceptable. Practice turning and walking in the shoes you will be
wearing during this presentation. Hair should be appropriate for evening wear
and go along with the style of the gown. Hair should not be unkempt, and should
not be frizzy unless style warrants. Hair that is put up looks neater if long
tendrils of hair are not going down the back of the neck, but if no hairline is
showing this is acceptable.
On~Stage interview
50 points possible per judge
Scoring is based on personality and poise, the ability to communicate on a
microphone in front of an audience, and the context of the answer in relation to
the topic given.
Solo Talent
Choreography and Appearance (physical Coordination, Stage Presence,
Costuming)~~~0-30 Quality (Lip-Sync, Live Vocal, and/or Other
Entertainment)~~~0-30 Entertainment Value~~~0-40 100 possible points per judge
Short talent showcases your ability to
perform without the aid of visual enhancements such as props or dancers.
Contestants will be judged under the same guidelines as the full-length talent
(see TALENT description) presentation as it relates to the subcategories listed
above. Solo Talents will not exceed three (3) minutes in length. Any Solo talent
exceeding the three-minute limit will be scored with a zero (0). NO FIRE OR
PYROTECHNICS WHATSOEVER! No dancers or any other person will be permitted in
your presentation. No props such as backdrops, furniture, or freestanding items
such as microphone stands will be allowed. Small handheld accessories such as
microphones, scarves, musical instruments, puppets, batons, etc. are permitted.
Costuming may be utilized in the presentation to enhance the visual effect.
Costumes should relate to the presentation or theme of the Talent and be in good
condition. Items such as headdresses, rip-away costumes, etc. may be used but
must be removed by the contestant at the end of the Solo Talent if removed
during the talent. Solo Talent presentations must be a different musical
selection from the full length Talent presentation and may not be an abbreviated
version of the full length Talent. You may do the same type of presentation for
both talents (i.e. dance, illusion, live vocal) provided the music is not the
same song. Music must be on a high quality CD-R and must be the only item burned
onto the CD and should be labeled Solo Talent Contestant #___. Contestants will
be judged on their quality of lip-sync, live vocal, or other entertainment.
Judges will be looking to see if the contestant knows the words to their song
and finishes each word. Just knowing the words is not enough. The contestant
should also look as if he/she is actually singing the song. Is it believable? If
it is a live performance, is the talent good quality? If there is choreography,
you should know the steps and the steps should flow. Do not attempt to do
something that is beyond your talent. Costuming should reflect the mood you are
trying to establish. Always examine your presentation for entertainment value
and appropriateness. Does it please, cause laughter, sadness or stir some other
emotion, and is it of a quality that Miss Gay America would perform at an
appearance or preliminary?